Church History


Poplar Spring Methodist Episcopal Church had it IS humble beginning in a
Brush Arbor in 1867, in what at this time, Henry County, then Fayette
County and later Campbell County. The Bush Arbor was the worship structure
until 1876. Around that time, the first wooden structure was built on an
acre of land. The structure met with disaster two times, one of which was a
total loss by fire; One of the pastor’s, during those tumultuous times, was
Rev. Gilbert. The church was constructed for the third time by the Rev.
Reuben Butler.

The church began in 1867 in a brush arbor. This is at least the third physical structure the church has had in its history.  Some other pastors who served during the era between 1876 and 1941 were Rev.
J. W. Robinson. who was pastor when a Quick-claim deed was obtained to
replace the mutilated old deed; Rev. T. M Vernon and Rev. F. L. Finesse.
In 1941, under the leadership of Rev. M H. Varner, the Edifice was deemed

too small. Together with Mr. O. C. Wilson ~nd other Laymen, the present

structure was erected in 1942. Other pastors who served between 1942 and 1972

were Rev. T. E. Sanders, Rev. S. T. Huff, Rev. C. I. Smith, Rev. Harvey Hill,’

Rev. Lorace Fisher, Rev. W. B. Spence~ ~nd Rev. Z. T. Berrien.

The present structure was renovated in 1972, under the leadership of Rev. J. C.

Collier. Following Rev. Collier’s pastor were Rev. Lorenzo Williams,

Rev. ,1. D. Grier, Rev. Earl Dilbney, Rev. Timothy C. Simmons, Rev. Mack F. Davis,

Rev. John W. Pace and Rev. Clarence R. Thrower

In 1983, under Rev. John Pace’s leadership. it was determined that additional

space was needed for educational needs and activities. The ground-breaking for

our new addition was in April, 1983.

In July, 1986, under the. pastorate of the Rev. William Burton, one of the

church’s’ main priorities were to complete the structure with much prayer,

planning, hard work and cooperation the doors were opened to the educational wing.
We currently have the one of the only standing Rosenwald Schools church our grounds.